And I'm watching that my grammar is awful in the last twts... 😅
I guess I'll have dinner first and then I'll switch off the phone for a while.
Enjoy over there!
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1 year ago
But I think I'm too deep into controversial topics.
I guess I'll switch to more mundane topics for a while.
I watched Willow, a fun movie from the 80s. And finished recording a class about DRM and Piracy... Interesting Saturday here. How is going yours?
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1 year ago
I was listening to a conversation about "fake it until you make it", based on the Theranos case. It's in Spanish, so it wouldn't be useful to be shared here, but the topic made think.
The idea topic is, don't lie. It's unsustainable. Avoid distorsion fields and "validation circles" when you trust what someone else trusted. Yeah, we have to manage the truth, and we have to know when someone is lying to us (pretty hard in some circles). It's not as easy as "never lie", so many due diligence on our beliefs is needed, even with risk of discovering the truth.
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1 year ago
Reading that book about the Telegraph made me thing A LOT on the history of technology. Another book about history of power made me think on our short lifetime of, let's say 50 productive years, how much we can impact in society from what we currently are, to the future of society in 100 years.
Action and thinking... Progress, quality of life, a better world for our families, resources. Transcendence. These are things that have moved a lot of people for the last centuries.
I think the current life speed is faster than it should, but I guess that depends on our reference point.
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1 year ago
I'm having a few discussions with my Latin artist friends on Stable diffusion, automation disappearing jobs, inner fears, and such.
Rather than wasting time on social media, my idea is to learn, to get to a knowledge level of a 'better life' (whatever that is), or at least exercise a dialogue and perhaps a debate. Since everyone is discussing different reasons and motivations, this is a phrase I like to remind before the talk gets violent.
> Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives.
It's exciting to spend time discussing with strangers and with friends, which has happened for ages, even before the **Internet** TM. With due moderation is a good hobby, but that's the tricky part. Not getting engaged with an ideology showing our own weaknesses disguised as knowledge and beliefs.
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1 year ago
This week has been crazy with the Workshop to design Board Games.
But it has been a pleasant surprise to see that many young people (even kids in elementary school) being creative in this media 😁
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1 year ago
I'm not felling well today, there was an 'contagious outbreak' of influenza at college, and I think I have it now 😷, or perhaps a simple flu, no idea...
I guess I'll stop early today, tomorrow will be a better day
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1 year ago
I'm making some training videos, and I'm feeling the pain of taking care of every detail 😅
Having the right illumination, sound, background, camera...
I hope the outcome is great 😃
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1 year ago
Holiday here (Revolution day) and a good time to cleanup the house, put up the Christmas tree 🎄, and not working that much...
How is your Monday going?
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1 year ago
I remember that around 20 years ago, browsers had an option to manually select which cookies are you receiving, but now I can't find that option anymore...
Does anyone here know which browsers still allow this, or if there is some extension to do it?
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1 year ago
Well, after a few hours updating now I have a Mac with macOS 12 🥳
it doesn't look that bad, as the transition from Win 10 to Win 11 which is awful 😑
For everything else, Xubuntu 😅
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1 year ago
In features that could be useful later, what about a way to tag (and perhaps autodetecting if it's not invasive) the language of your content?
That way you can filter the twts you can interact with 🤔
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1 year ago
What's going on with Yarn/Twtxt?
I leave for a day to attend a few classes and talks and a lot happens here
The human icon 👤 is gone
There are new users 👥, yeah 🥳🎉
Some people start to talk in German (?)
There are philosophical debates thanks to our friend Musk
👀 and it's only Friday
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1 year ago
Starting my 'working days' here. With a lot of reflections of the weekend, and a few learnings to be applied for the remaining months of this year.
In other news, my Grandma celebrated 80 years, wow!
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1 year ago
In my mind I currently have:
What tech stack should I master on the next few months? I'm thinking in a Unity, Flutter, RoR
Also, what should I do with the Game Studio? In thinking on restructure it from the scratch, stating as a co-op, redesigning how to bring resources to create new products.
And for me and my family, I think we are doing OK, but need resources for the next immediate goals
So I have a lot to think, but at the same time I should not obsess overthinking 🙃
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1 year ago
Well, we'll start driving for 10 hours to arrive home 🏡
And in the meantime I'll be thinking about appealing stuff to work on for the next few months.
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1 year ago
Now I'm connecting from the Android client Goryon.
It seems the latest version is from 2020 but at the same time looks like is fetching the Twts correctly. 🤔
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1 year ago
And lastly, I'm researching to install Piwigo in the server as an alternative to Google Photos which has been really convenient for the last 10 years, but we all know the privacy concerns.
Do you have another alternative to Google Photos? I'm looking for:
- A simple way to upload my photos from a few mobile phones (mainly Android) to the cloud
- I don't care about web or public galleries
- I remove most of the photos from the phone, to check them with Google Photos App and sometimes with the Web site
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1 year ago
Yesterday I had a conversation about reducing the amount of digital 'objects' we store and bytes used. For me, that's part of a Digital minimalism, but it seems that's not the mainstream definition, more related with the amount of time we use our devices. Interesting 🤔
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1 year ago
Today I was looking for a 'Random Group Generator' for my class, and found this interesting claim
```This Random List Generator uses an advanced algorithm to split a catalog of entries into the required number of teams or groups. The high-grade artificial intelligence allows it to convey a unique, exclusive, and unbiased result.```
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1 year ago
I'm thinking of starting (another) Side project / Hobby project. Also, I've been writing about my projects (mostly games) in the last few years. For me, it's a source of learning, validation and portfolio, but I have bitter-sweet feelings on the results.
I have mixed feelings, since when it's a Hobby project is not a big deal leaving it 'incomplete', without users, and such. But as a Side project which could at least earn some bucks to pay the expenses, there is some pain in not having traction as a product.
Any general advice?
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2 years ago
What Web browser are you using currently?
Over here my main one has been Brave (after ditching Opera for not supporting the chrome's Dark Mode). But lately, I've been using a bit more Edge, Firefox, Libre Wolf on Windows 10, and Firefox Nightly on Android
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2 years ago
I'm thinking of operating a 'twtxt . es' pod (for content in spanish/español)
It's gonna cost something like 100 USD/year (domain + hosting), nothing excessive, but I have some weird feeling about paying on stuff not being used that much. Thoughts?
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2 years ago
I have used Windows OS for almost 30 years. I don't dislike it that much. (And I use Android, iOS, macOS, -buntus, Debian, etc, at the same time)
But this week, I wanted to log in and I couldn't use my PIN or Fingerprint for unknown reasons, and since I wasn't using my password I forgot it. Damn, those strange cases where things don't work as expected.
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2 years ago
A quote that made me think a lot this morning:
> Why are many talented software developers drawn to solving impossible problems, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee, neglecting their sleep and personal lives, and constantly trying to fix everything and everyone around them while ignoring their own psychosocial needs?
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2 years ago
I've been tweeting a lot in Spanish, but had forgotten of writing here :o
Don't have anything cool to share, rather than saying I'm alive and family is doing fine.
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2 years ago
After a few days travelling around the Centre of México, I'm finally at a calm place to relax and enjoy the holidays.
It's interesting being for a few hours on planes and buses to feel bored, and let your imagination fly again.
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2 years ago
This Friday I had the chance to change the routine a bit. My wife and I watched "Mary and the Witch's Flower", it really connected with my mood.
(Possible spoilers ahead) ~~It's a cute one, with good animation, a decent story and that bittersweet feeling of innocence and growth.~~
(End of spoilers)
Also, reading a few books in English and Spanish, including "Information Doesn't Want to Be Free". It makes you think a lot about the services and products we use and consume (like that movie I mentioned).
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2 years ago
In local news you don't care about, a pigeon stepped on an electricity line, something exploded (including the pigeon) and I don't have electricity at home. It makes you think a lot...
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2 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm back on sharing cool stuff on the shape of twts, after a Monday lasting 3 days.
Cheers 🍻! <- Non-alcoholic drink, since someone said on Hckrnws it's bad for our hearts
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2 years ago
Sunday morning over here.
Started hating the polarized ideas on Twitter (gosh, I was likening and using it again for the value of game dec, and then the wave of hate, ideology and politics arrived).
Then I came back to read a few books, and next I was checking that my Yarn timeline was very active. Looks like a nice morning.
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2 years ago
Well... Friday of learning new stuff on Unity and Rust, I was forgetting what it was like to take courses for hours and be stuck. Rust, you freaking lang.
The training on Unity is going great, with small lessons of 15 minutes you feel you are doing/learning a lot, the kind of course I like.
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2 years ago
A Sunday evening more...
I'm between keep practising Unity, Rust, Django, English speaking,
Or perhaps only enjoying the beauty of a Sunday night. We will see!
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2 years ago
Lowest temperature in the year, 0° C. 🥶
How is your day going over there?
Here we are lazily in bed until an earthquake arrives or something...
Disclaimer: we don't do earthquakes in this town 😛
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2 years ago
I'm giving a class on "Team management" to 2nd-semester students of "Design and production of Video-games". It's weird talking about management (and teamwork), that early in that career, but it's an interesting experiment for me.
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2 years ago
Morning everyone!
Reading a lot this morning, "Morning and Sense" and "You are not so smart" to start, a quick reminder that you are not thinking like 99.99% (number not accurate) of the world.
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2 years ago
I'm in Lesson 6 of Rust Book... The interesting parts are just starting 😅
So far I'm doing better than with Scala, Haskell, Erlang, Go and Nim (previous languages I've tried to learn and feel comfortable with), let's see...
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2 years ago
Topic of today is Balanced Scorecard, or how the group of artists, designers, programmers, lawyers, managers, and more, have to think about
Finances, Organizational Grow, Customer/Public Satisfaction and Production Processes
Fun day ahead 😁
Any suggestions or previous experiences?
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2 years ago
I was rereading a few old books in my Kindle, and reached to one about Gamification.
Although I'm not a big fan of gamified experiences and serious games as I was a few years ago, it always makes me wonder on how effective they could be for simple ideas.
For example I was thinking on registering your current run on a treadmill or elliptical in a twtxt file (or any Yarn service), reading it and unfolding a passive story based on your distance.
Or maybe exchanging those Km/Miles into some resource in a micro game.
The 'final' idea is to motivate you to do more excersise, which is a long discussion.
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2 years ago