søren peter mørch


I'm not a huge fan of docker. Sorry for the poor screen grab quality, but this is the funniest analogy for "no docker" vs "docker" I've come across: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/no-docker-vs-docker-analogy.png :-D

Read replies 3 hours ago

My hike today started off with a nice great spotted woodpecker right after the town sign. The -1°C didn't feel all that cold in the sun. Even on the flat, I had to open my jacket with the sun on my back. The biotope got dug over, that's now looking really sad. And they also fell a few large chestnuts. Surprisingly, there was actually snow on the mountain. Not much, maybe around three centimeters at most. It was melting and falling down the trees, which looked really cool. I enjoyed it a lot: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-02-04/

Crazy ice crystals on twigs

Read replies 4 days ago

That was a super interesting talk, I can recommend it: https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-microbes-vs-mars-a-hacker-s-guide-to-finding-alien-life

Read replies 6 days ago

Even after fixing yesterday's mail server TLS certificate renewal incident (main hostname was not included) my KMail did not want to receive e-mails anymore. I had to restart Akonadi now in order to make this work again. I really should look at mutt one day.

Read replies 1 week ago

That's a cool comparision of an obstacle run with a knight, fire fighter and soldier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzI1UvlQqw

Read replies 1 week ago

I just saw this heron fly by my window, so I investigated: https://lyse.isobeef.org/graureiher-2025-01-25/

Heron on a roof

Read replies 2 weeks ago

I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

Read replies 2 weeks ago

Clouds are hiding the planets right now, but the sky was slightly on fire before: https://lyse.isobeef.org/abendhimmel-2025-01-20/

Bush fire sunsets are the nicest

Read replies 2 weeks ago

This is an absolutely amazing talk about fixing a satellite in space. Totally worth watching, highly recommended. Super great engineering! I'm blown away, this is sooooo cool! https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-hacking-yourself-a-satellite-recovering-beesat-1

Read replies 2 weeks ago

Another infrastructure apocalypse day at work. Linux and Windows users were unable to reach M$ services. No Outlook, no Teams, no intranet (Sharepoint), no Azure, etc. Mac users were lucky, though. Took whoever the whole day to resolve that. Shortly before I called it quits, it worked again. I haven't read any e-mail today, used Teams mostly on the company phone, but it's the plague.

And as I've forseen the other day, we have to deliver yet another workaround hotfix, once the other team eventually gets their stuff integrated that we should rely on. Good riddance it's the weekend now!

Read replies 3 weeks ago
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