Been trying to get acquainted with `rsync(1)` but, whenever I `Tab` for completion and get this:
> λ ~/ rsync --
> zsh: do you wish to see all 484 possibilities (162 lines)?
I'm like: Nope! a `scp -rpCq ...` or whatever option salad will do just fine. 😅 [Insert: "Ain't nobody got time fo'that!" Meme.]
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1 week ago
Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣
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2 weeks ago
Some(one/thing) is going Berserk at my web server and some of their requests are `"GET /etc/shadow HTTP/1.1"` and `"GET /.ssh/id_ed25519 HTTP/1.1"` ... I think they should try and POST some kind of `sudo rm -rf /*` while they're at it; it would be funnier.
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3 months ago
This is a test twt to see if ```:set formatoptions-=t``` in vim would stop the annoying line breaking I've been having in my twts... And I guess, that's it! Things are looking OK on my end.
How about if I add in a separate paragraph like this one? Did hit return twice for it. I hope it isn't breaking anything else.
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4 months ago
I have finally decided on creating a proper... (landing page?) home page or whatever it is for my domain name.
It has been the same eye soar of a blank white page for years now.
And this, is when I had something I wanted to toy with in the background,
otherwise, which is most of the time, to be precise, It wasn't pointing at anything at all. 😅
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5 months ago