sorenpeter (darch.dk)
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2 months ago
Wow, it seem my #Webmentions implementation works from Mastodon via brid.gy
visualist and livecoder
Wow, it seem my #Webmentions implementation works from Mastodon via brid.gy
I just "published" a #draft on my blog about "How I've implemented #webmentions for twtxt" (http://darch.dk/mentions-twtxt), so I wanted to know from you guys if you see yourself doing a similar thing with yarnd
@prologic or others with custom setups?
I've gathers my ideas about mentions for twtxt/yarn here: Webmentions vs. custom mentions spec for twtxt/yarn - HedgeDoc You are welcome to edit and comment in the doc, so our ideas are not fragment into a bunch of treads