Iceland seems like a nice place to be right now.
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Iceland seems like a nice place to be right now.
@prologic I’d be fine with that, too. 😅
@prologic 8.9 people per km², sounds awesome. 😃 Even less than Finland. 😅 (On average.)
@movq Why do you think I want to retire there 🤣
@prologic Dunno, maybe you just love [Tasmanian devils](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tux_(mascot)#Tuz_2009)? 😅
@lyse Look forward to it 😅 Just gimme a few years to get past the "expensive school fees" and then we'll think about it 🤣
@lyse Aarrrgh. 🙈🙈🙈 There’s nothing you can do to prevent that next time, is there?
@lyse Bah. 🫤 Well, fingers crossed. (It’s only going to get worse every year, though …)
I had some water in my apartment, too, last week. Different situation, it’s a tower building and I’m far away from ground level. We checked afterwards but we have no idea how that water got in. It was a heavy thunderstorm, so the theory is that the massive air pressure just pushed it in through tiny cracks somewhere …
@lyse Phew! 😅
It was just moist walls, luckily. Never happened before, as far as I can tell. Still, it’s a little disconcerting, yeah. 😅