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Recent posts in reply to #dqacyjq

@prologic Watched that one the other day after seeing that much chatter about #HTMX on the feed. And now I'm watching HTMX Sucks - Youtube by the same person (or should I say people?) 😂
In reply to: #x7o6hba 3 months ago
@aelaraji haha! Click bait and all (I didn’t tap it, but you know what I mean)! So, does it truly sucks?
In reply to: #dqacyjq 3 months ago
Haha yeah that video on htmx sucks is pretty funny really! 🤣 And no it obviously doesn't suck 😅
In reply to: #dqacyjq 3 months ago
@bender Actually the video is a reaction to: HTMX Sucks that is originally an essay by Carson Gross (the creator) in the "The worse-is-better design philosophy" _and what not_ style. So No, it isn't ... or at least not in the sense one would get from such a title. 😄
In reply to: #dqacyjq 3 months ago
@aelaraji Yeah it's more along the lines of "everything sucks" at least a bit 🤣
In reply to: #dqacyjq 3 months ago
But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ with all kinds of indirections and acrobatics that are impossible to understand? 🤔 -- Or just write your web application as a normal set of pages in the Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA) style/architecture, than sprinkle a few `hx-*` attributes and get the same user experience? 😅 #htmx
In reply to: #dqacyjq 3 months ago
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