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@abucci I'd disagree. The world is huge. We are 8 billion people, as individuals we can impact 100, perhaps 1,000 people. Even the biggest companies impact billions, but not all humanity. Even countries and global leaders impact a slice of the world. It's a huge problem for us to solve. It's nice tring to break limits. In my youth, for that sake I joined into politics, companies, and non-profits. And it's hard and a bit disappointing that things doesn't improve in the way we'd expect. Requires a lot of energy to fight the status quo.

And we need to have hope of a better world. We as humans, NEED hope. Thats why religions, organizations, volunteers, exist. It's not romantic to say something against hope. It's better to say "Yeah, let's follow this politician/businesspeople/influencer/idealism, they have an answer to the problem", usually is not true.

But on what I'd agree is that we can impact OUR world. We can avoid using the polluting product, the toxic technology or what the evil company mak

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

take it from who it comes. I could be wrong and I'm in a stage of my life defining what is the next step to have a decent lifestyle while I'm feeling proud, or at least not-shaming from my passage though this world.

I live in a "second world/developing country" with the former richest man in the world. We have scarcity, and people here needs to believe on a better life. I think it's the same everywhere else but here is not a matter of "having vacation this year" but "having housing and food tomorrow" Perhaps that changes POVs, I don't know.

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

I'm open to ideas, but please be gentle and understand other lives and other realities. As I say to my students, colleagues and friends. Every person has a different reality, a perception of it. Some live on a reality distortion field. A.k.a. Biases, but that's another story. Be empathetic. And let's work together for a better world, trying to make something helpful as a group and as individuals.

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

@abucci try to... It's not easy, but I know you can

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

@abucci that's the key, go outside your computer science environment, get out of your confort zone

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

@abucci I guess the best is to block each other since our ideas are not compatible and we are not open to change our mind Thanks for the conversation tho

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

I believe this is a huge misunderstanding, probably driven by the fact that @eaplmx first language isn’t English. I don’t see any correlation between his replies to yours, @abucci. So I, too, am lost.

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago

I wanted to add that—at least for me—it is hard to follow long twtxts, especially because I come here on mobile. I see twtxt as microblogging, and adjust my attention span accordingly. 😂🙈

In reply to: #dlbntsa 2 years ago
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