I've gathers my ideas about mentions for twtxt/yarn here: Webmentions vs. custom mentions spec for twtxt/yarn - HedgeDoc You are welcome to edit and comment in the doc, so our ideas are not fragment into a bunch of treads
Recent posts in reply to #ba3xbfa
Thanks for your feedback @lyse. For some reason i missed it until now. For now I have implemented endpoint discovery for #webmentions as a metadata field in the twtxt.txt like this:
# webmention = http://darch.dk/timeline/webmention
@sorenpeter something is amiss. We can't see the feedback you are referring about (nor you are telling what it was). That is, unless you are talking about a feedback received elsewhere, and simply referring to it here (but, again, not mentioning what it was).
@bender you can over at http://darch.dk/timeline/conv/ba3xbfa or by looking at the raw txt https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt I can't help it that twtxt.net only have temporary caching ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@sorenpeter ah, thanks! Yarn's cache strikes again! Haha!