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Recent posts in reply to #a6nrqza

@lyse lovely! I especially like the frosted leaves ones.

Kind of on a tangent, but slightly related... do German words like "Waldspaziergang" have a name? You know, the "all-encompassing words that mean a lot" kind of words. Do you know of any site that has a comprehensive list of them? I would love to use them as richly as I can on my communication at work! :-)
In reply to: #onnreea 8 months ago
Wow, @lyse, as always you have gone above and beyond to provide plenty of information. Thank you so much! Compound nouns are amazing, and I wish more languages would adopt them. I know English has adopted some (like kindergarden, and wandernlust come to mind), but I want more!

I will sure stump co-workers with a few next year. I am going to handpick them, and use them for impact. LOL. Thanks again!
In reply to: #a6nrqza 8 months ago
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