@prologic I could use some help in figuring out how to only show the homepod and RSS link if it is actually there. Is there as way to know in yarnd if the feed is on an another pod or if it is self hosted and does not have RSS or profile page?
@prologic I need to filter out profiles or feeds that are not on any pod, but selfhosted like with lyse, movq and my own at http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt, since these does not have a rss/atom feed (https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/atom.xml) or a profile page (https://neotxt.dk/user/darch) and it therefor makes no sense to show links pointing to 404
PR ready: #1116 - WIP: New profile view with media filter
Still some issues with the filters on profile pages, but otherwise it should be ready and it already live on https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/