Well! My 24 hrs without a GUI Web browser was quite of a nice experience.
As a matter of fact, and as long as I'm not doing any 3D work, I kind of don't need gui applications as much as it feels like.
Even though, a couple of websites asked me to eff off because they need
JavaScript to work. Some others handed me a cold "402 Upgrade Required" client
error response... (LOL let's not even talk about how Github repos looked
and felt like). I have managed to fix a couple of things I've been meaning to
for quite some time but never got, mainly to because of my browsing
habits. I tend to open a lot of tabs, read some, get distracted then
open some more and down the rabbit hole (or shall I say tabs) I go.
All in all, it was quite a nice experience.
How nice? It was an "I'm dropping into a full TTY experience for another
24 hrs" kind of nice!
Although, I miss using a mouse already, but hey, I would have never
heard about gpm(8) otherwise.
In reply to: #vrckl3a
4 months ago
As a matter of fact, and as long as I'm not doing any 3D work, I kind of don't need gui applications as much as it feels like.
Even though, a couple of websites asked me to eff off because they need
JavaScript to work. Some others handed me a cold "402 Upgrade Required" client
error response... (LOL let's not even talk about how Github repos looked
and felt like). I have managed to fix a couple of things I've been meaning to
for quite some time but never got, mainly to because of my browsing
habits. I tend to open a lot of tabs, read some, get distracted then
open some more and down the rabbit hole (or shall I say tabs) I go.
All in all, it was quite a nice experience.
How nice? It was an "I'm dropping into a full TTY experience for another
24 hrs" kind of nice!
Although, I miss using a mouse already, but hey, I would have never
heard about gpm(8) otherwise.