I've learned that I can live without @kde@floss.social but I'm not able to live without #konsole, so... my first ❤️ of this year's #ilovefs goes to the lovely Konsole and specially The Konsole Developers!
Recent posts from feeds followed by sorenpeter@darch.dk
I've learned that I can live without @kde@floss.social but I'm not able to live without #konsole, so... my first ❤️ of this year's #ilovefs goes to the lovely Konsole and specially The Konsole Developers!
@andros My first point of advice is to stop everything and measure all the important critical user journeys. Design and Build Service Level Objectives for each and every part of the system you can find that any user cares about.
was the last occurrence of this.
@bender @lyse This bug was fixed back in September last year. But the brackets still appear in my current feed. is that what the issue is? 🤔
@lyse @andros Are we talking about yarnd
here? Hmm? 🤔 I've thought about a "read flag" but I just haven't bothered so far...
@johanbove And what are the results so far? 🤔
The cache is only suppose to be for 120s though, but I reckon the caching layer is just stupid? 🤔 (and maybe buggy)?
I need to understand how the caching is at play here at the edge. I hit CTRL+R
on @mckinley's OP to get the right subject reply after poking at the underlying HTML elements on the page.
@bender To be fair, I do this in my "spare time" 😅
@mckinley Ahh. I think this is some kind of weird caching issue at my edge! 😱